Occupational therapy is a skills-based intervention that isn’t just for children that have clinically diagnosed conditions or disorders. If your child is struggling to keep up with peers, in school or not meeting developmental milestones they may benefit from extra support. Occupational therapists aim to support you and your family in addressing these difficulties at home, in school and within the community through a series of interventions designed to support your goals.
“Occupational Therapy is where science, creativity, and compassion collide.”
Here at Outcomes Therapy, we offer a range of supports and assessments to assist you in your OT journey, below are some areas we can help you in.
Developmental Delay
Developmental delay is when your child does not reach speech, thinking, social or motor skill milestones during a specified time. This can make it harder for your child to complete everyday tasks, and they may need further support. If you notice that your child’s speaking, ability to sit, crawl and stand, or learning ability is not at an age-appropriate level, it’s time to seek help.
Fine and Gross Motor Skills
Fine motor skills are the minute movements required to hold a pencil, using scissors, doing up zips or buttons, and colouring. Poor handwriting or your child not developing a dominant hand at an age-appropriate time are also indicators of fine motor skill delays. Gross motor skills are the movements required to climb stairs, balance, and are responsible for coordination. If you notice these difficulties, or your child avoiding activities that support fine and gross motor skills, they may need additional support.
Visual Processing
A difficulty with visual processing is exemplified by a difficulty in recognising letters, or the spacing and sizing of letters. Difficulty with copying shapes and letters from a board or piece of paper and struggling with identifying left from right. Frequently losing their place and being unable o maintain eye contact is another indicator of visual processing delay.
It is important to remember that all children develop at their own pace, however, if you notice any of the above signs, connect with us here at Outcomes Therapy and one of our friendly occupational therapists can have a chat about how we can best assist.
Contact Outcomes Therapy via email info@outcomestherapy.com.au or phone 0466 994 500
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